< 행성적 사유 >
이하늘 안무/출연
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박석희 연출팀
참고문헌 고봉준 [인류세에 대한 인문학적 대응과 행성적 사유] 동국대학교
동서사상연구소 [철학, 사상, 문학] 제43호 2023.11. 29-50쪽
< Planetary Thinking >
Lee Haneul Choreography/Cast
Kim Haetsal Director/Cinematography/Edit
Jeon Jinhee Executive producer
Park Seokhee Assistant director team
References Ko Bong-jun [Humanities Response to Anthropocene and Planetary Thinking']
Dongguk University East-West Thought Institute [Philosophy, Thought,
Literature] No. 43, nov. 2023, 29-50p